Denver Burches
Billy, Kay, Rick and me |
They arrived midday on Friday and after unloading their things into the RV (including some yummy things for dinner and a breakfast meal), we headed up to Beaver Creek Reservoir even though brother Rick had some issues with pain from the 4-1/2 to 5 hour drive. Of course, we had a beer or two before getting into my Jeep and everybody was hyped by my reports of the good fishing (and the pictures too).
We took the easier walk along the dam to a beach-like area halfway across, beyond the heavily bouldered sections near the parking area. Nephew Billy and I worked our way back over the boulders while Rick and Kay fished from the more level shoreline. Rick got the first fish on but, unfortunately lost a nice one near the shoreline. Shortly after I worked my way off the boulders and over to the farthest sandy shores, I heard a yell from Billy and he had landed the first Brown trout of the day. Soon thereafter, I heard more yelps, this time from Kay as she brought in the first Kokanee Salmon (which I recently learned was not a Lake trout with nephew Billy's guidance) and she sought Rick's assistance in getting it unhooked and secured on the stringer with Billy's catch.
As the afternoon winded down and our thoughts drifted toward a "Happy Hour" at the RV, Rick did hook and landed that nice Brown trout (perhaps the one that got away earlier). I believe the only fish I caught was the one already in the sink from a morning outing (to verify the water conditions before the Denver Burches arrival, of course).
After a few cold Coors Lights and with the task of cleaning the days catch completed (and put in the freezer), we gathered together for a tasty steak dinner from the grille (cooked by Billy). Salads, fruit and devilled eggs rounded out the meal to complete the end to a perfect day -- everybody caught something and could sleep well with thoughts of more fishing to come.
Next morning, after a tasty breakfast, we headed to the Rio Grande river just up the road from Grandview RV park near the Masonic Park. The walk to the section of stream just inside the west fence of the Masonic Park was less difficult than the walk at Beaver Creek but, as we arrived to park in the Coller Wildlife Area, I could see a drift boat just disappearing around the bend along the stretch I had hoped we would be fishing -- with some chance of success. This section of the river has a fairly long stretch of deep water on the farside where some cliffs drop off from the railroad tracks above -- made more accessible if you wade a short distance in the shallow water (which Billy and I did). Also, a good stretch to try throwing a fly to the little eddys just at the boulders on the farside which Billy tried.
Because it was Saturday, I expected to see many rafts, canoes and kayaks coming through disrupting any chances of catching some good fish -- which, of course, happened and therefore, we had no luck at all -- only the joy of being there and enjoying the beauty of the river and the surroundings. We wrapped up our morning of fishing by trying some of the pools near where the Jeep was parked but, after another half hour or so, we decided to get back to the RV, refresh a little and head up to Beaver Creek Reservoir again for the afternoon.
This time, we decided to fish the area near the picnic ground about halfway up the reservoir toward the boat ramp end -- and the restrooms. Billy did get one of those Kokanee Salmon hooked and beached but, it flopped its way back into the waters and left Billy thinking of the one that got away (like so many of us fishermen). Think we did come back wth a couple of those Brown trout but, don't remember who exactly had caught them but, Billy did the cleaning this time while I got some Cutthroat trout ready for cooking on the grille (ones I had caught while fishing the Snake River below Yellowstone Park). A couple packs of rice and salads again filled our stomachs with a sip of chilled Sambuca for an after dinner drink -- shot of Johnnie Waker Black Label too for Billy and I after the Sambuca. Another good nights sleep followed.
Sunday morning we decided to fish the reservoir again near the dam for a few hours before they headed back to Denver. We stopped first at the Rainbow Grocery so Billy could pick up a replacement Panther Martin lure he had lost the previous afternoon (the one he had hooked the fish that got away on). I think Rick and Kay each caught one of the Kokanee Salmon and Billy caught a nice Brown trout by the time we decided to head back to pack for their trip back to the Mile High City -- nearly 3000 feet lower than South Fork. They left the fish with me (to clean and freeze) so, I went back out later and caught 3 more Brown trout to add to the days catch.
Really a fun family visit and am looking forward to another before I leave this lovely section of Colorado. Anyone feel like a visit? Fishing is good and weather is great.
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