Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beaver Creek Reservoir Again

After wading the stream yesterday and catching my best group of Brown trout this year, it was nearly impossible to resist the desire to return to Beaver Creek Reservoir today.  So, I did head up there a little earlier than yesterday in hopes of maybe catching some of the Kokanee Salmon (since my freezer already has too many Brown trout and some to cook tonight with 2 Rainbows).

I took a slightly different route across the stream -- closer to the exposed end of the boat ramp and I parked at the last turn-out before the turn to the boat ramp and parking.  Way more deep mud and silt than I had wanted to encounter but, I took my shoes and socks off since I had brought a towel to dry my feet on after crossing the stream.  Not as comfortable as I had hoped with the little rocks and dirt on the other side so, abandoned that routine on the way back to the Jeep (kept my tennis shoes and socks on).

Today, I caught and released three Browns which were around 14 inches (decided beforehand that I wouldn't keep any Browns that weren't bigger than the largest one caught yesterday).  As I headed toward the creek feeding the lake and back to the Jeep to leave, I again fished the rather murky waters near the mud flats where I had caught the first fish yesterday.  After a few casts toward the far point of the mud flat, I thought I had a little bump and on the next cast a real beauty of a Brown trout hit the lure just some 6 feet in front of me and it started splashing, thrashing and turning over and over.  I tried to pull it up onto the bank but, the treble hook broke and the fish disappeared back into the water.

Yesterday's find.
If I had brought along that long handled net I found yesterday, I might have been able to pound the shallows for that beauty.  I did manage to dig out a new pole and reel from the silty mud at the water's edge today and now have a good Shimano 2000 reel and two-piece pole.  Already cleaned it up and put new line on it.  Works great!

Today's catch (a keeper).

I also pulled a boat's anchor with rope from the silt near the same place I found the Shimano pole and reel.  Tomorrow, maybe the boat will appear from the bottom of the lake.


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