Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ominous Date Approaches - 12/21/12

Well, today would have been the last day to tell the world whether a CME had been detected from the Sun's surface in time for it to arrive this Friday -- normally a 3 to 5 day timespan for the effects to reach the Earth so maybe the Mayans were just tired of chipping stones to record their predictions for the solar/lunar movements tied to their planting/growing/harvesting of crops.  Five hundred years into the future is a bit strange to stretch out for any civilization no matter how much time they have spent watching the planets and recording the sun and moon's movements.

Of course, if the observers/monitorers were to have been directed to not report such abhorations to anyone except the leaders of the world (like Obama), we might not hear anything until we go over the fiscal cliff or Inauguration Day -- hopefully, that is not the case and we all can still plan to spend the summer in southwest Colorado fishing and having a good time.

I already bought a new bottle of Sambuca so, I am ready for next summer or I'll drink like there's no tomorrow come Thursday night.


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