Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Big Meadows -- Biggest Rainbow

After fishing a few different spots over the past few days (just to have more options and places to catch fish), I returned to Big Meadows this morning and caught four fish -- released two of them.  The last fish I caught was the biggest Rainbow trout I have ever caught.  It measured 20 inches and was a really good fighter.  Thought for sure I would lose him as he splashed and fought hard to get away but, I loosened the drag a couple clicks and anxiously waited and hoped to land him.  Boy! Oh Boy!  What a nice fish and great day of fishing.

Yesterday, I had started at Beaver Creek Reservoir and fished the inlet where the stream fed into the lake and didn't get a single strike so I moved beyond the boat ramp and fished the channel along the road where it dropped off sharply.  I had a few strikes but, didn't catch a fish until some half a dozen strikes -- a small brown (which I kept thinking I might catch a couple more).  However, the winds picked up and I decided to move to the area beyond the picnic grounds and fished another 45 minuts with no luck and decided to head back to the campground.  First, I decided to head up the road past Riverbend RV Resort to check out the canyon and the stream above the campground.  There I discovered some nice pools below some cliffs and tried my luck for a short time -- saw some nice fish and had a few chasers but, no luck.

Then, I headed back for lunch and a short nap.  I then headed back to the Rio Grande for another hour of fishing and brought back a nice 15 inch trout for the freezer.


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