Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tiger Gets Down and Dirty

While the stock market took more than a 300 point drop (perhaps a sign of the lack of confidence that the economy is going to get any better over the next 4 years) and the chilly winds were blowing in behind this latest nor'easter (Athena) as it headed up the coast -- bringing chilly temps from the north and keeping me indoors to stay warm with Tiger and Molly.

We're still enjoying the fish I grilled two nights ago and maybe there is too much mercury in them and perhaps it's affecting Tiger's behavior.  Too chilly for this old man to stand in the wind near the water and fish so, I have been getting familiar with this new computer and getting my new Nikon digital camera working that I picked out yesterday -- with a break to get Tiger out for a walk.

Yesterday afternoon, he acted especially weird (in a funny kind of way) as we walked on the asphalt road running in front of our RV.  He found a rough edge of the asphalt where some dirt and loose pieces of asphalt were mixed in.  Then, he began to dig at the dirt and loose pieces until he just finally threw himself onto the dirt and rolled over and over in the dirt while occasionally grabbing a couple of the small pieces of asphalt in his paws and tossed them back and forth from his front paws to his back paws.  He also shoved his nose into the dirt at the edge of the asphalt and rubbed his nose and chin against the rough edges of the asphalt -- I thought he was going to tear off his whiskers or part of his face or nose -- as I laughed at him and how he was acting.

Maybe one of the stray cats or one of the many little dogs had pissed there and that got him excited but, he looked more gray than black after his frolicking in the dirt -- thought he wouldn't be enjoying it so much later when he would have to lick himself clean.  He didn't seem to much care about that -- though I did mention that to him.

Now that I have the camera operational and fully charged, perhaps I will give him another go at that spot and hopefully get his picture in the process -- perhaps before I go fishing later this afternoon.


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